Media Events with Dr. Dorie
Are you looking for an eating disorder & addiction expert to interview?
Would you like a clinician with more that 25 years of experience?
Do you want to provide breaking news on cutting-edge topics?
Dr. Dorie Has 20+ Years of Experience in Media Interviews
Dr. Dorie is passionate about raising awareness of the impact that eating disorders and other addictions have on people’s lives. Her expert commentary has been featured on hundreds of television and radio programs around the world. She has also been interviewed on podcasts and other web-based media, and has been quoted in numerous print media articles.
Her appearances include TV interviews on networks such as ABC News, Great Day America, and PAX-TV. Print and web features include US News & World Report, People, Self, Shape, Glamour, Women’s Health and Fitness, Natural Health, and Woman’s Day magazines.
In one of her recent interviews on the Denver Channel, an ABC affiliate, Dr. Dorie discussed the risks of “Drunkorexia,” a combination of Alcohol Abuse and Anorexia, or other types of eating disorders. CLICK THE ARROW ON IMAGE TO WATCH
Dr. Dorie's Demo Video
Highlights from 1998-2008

Dr. Dorie’s “DON’T DIET” Book (1998, Positive Pathways Press)
Dr. Dorie McCubbrey’s first book shares details of her own journey of recovery from eating disorders and obesity, including how her real freedom began when she learned how to love herself (at her highest weight)! From this place of Self-Love, Dr. Dorie then stopped dieting and began trusting her body with an intuitive process to heal itself from anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder. Discovering that her weight problem finally “solved itself,” Dr. Dorie began sharing her diet-free solution with her clients, to guide them to live free of the “weight loss games.”
This obesity and eating disorder self help book is designed to help prevent eating disorders by encouraging a diet-free solution to weight problems. You’ll learn:
- the games dieters play — and why none of them works
- the diary of a “loser” — and how to shift into the diary of “freedom”
- the four aspects of weight problems — and how to heal in a holistic way
- case studies of Dr. Dorie’s clients — with testimonials of their success
How Much Does Your Soul Weigh? (2003, HarperCollins)
Dr. Dorie’s next book suggests that many people worry excessively about how much their bodies weigh – but these weight worries are the real weight people need to lose, given the heavy burden placed upon the body, mind, and the soul. Dr. Dorie reveals a plan for “Intuitive Self-Care,” so you can begin to unburden your soul of all the “weighty attitudes” of the diet mentality — rigid rules, negative self-talk, and unrealistic goals — that lead to very real feelings of disappointment and hopelessness.
With empathy and insight, Dr. Dorie explores and explains the importance of an intuitive attitude toward your eating, exercise, and weight. In this obesity and eating disorder self help book, you’ll discover:
- the games dieters play — and why none of them works
- the diary of a “loser” — and how to shift into the diary of “freedom”
- the four aspects of weight problems — and how to heal in a holistic way
- case studies of Dr. Dorie’s clients — with testimonials of their success